Acquiring Users and Standardizing All Verticals
Acquiring Users and Standardizing All Verticals
Divinia is a search platform that uses advanced machine learning like AI and NLP to understand consumer needs and user-generated content, scans thousands of reviews across dozens of websites, and finds the best matching results across four different verticals, from hotels, consumer goods, cars and stock market.
I worked with a cross-functional team as a Product designer, communicated and collaborated with development, and solved problems as they arose. I conducted research and interviews to familiarize myself with various sectors that Divinia’s verticals served. I also wrote and edited content, implemented new branding including a logo, designed wireframes, and sought feedback and incorporated changes.
To understand user experience while using all four verticals, identify pain points and expectations from individual platforms, and provide relevant design solutions that help improve engagement for each.
3 weeks
GT Games
2 designers
Adobe Photoshop
The idea of adding a blog system to Divistocks was already there in discussions. Now was the time for some qualitative research and competitive analysis to know what users expect from a search platform for stocks. I got my insights on demographics with the help of Google Analytics. After few rounds of stakeholder interviews, I was now prepared to ask the right questions in user interviews. Being a startup, resources were limited so I made sure I make the best use of what I get for qualitative analysis.
Business Problem
Being a finance platform our product is compared to global giants like Google Finance. To compete with them, it's essential to have feature parity with them.
User Problem
Being such a sensitive and constantly changing segment, users need to have a reliable platform to help them make more informed and accurate investment decisions.
Engagement overview of all verticals after standardization. Increase in Avg. engagement time and Engaged sessions per user, for all verticals over a period of 90 days after launch compared to preceding period.
Retention overview of first 90 days after launch of Stock prediction tool compared to preceding period.
I loved working with Divinia. I enjoyed being a part of forming the vision that would help this company grow. I learned so much about the stock market and cars, I feel ready to start a stock portfolio of my own or maybe buy myself a new car!
Despite my eagerness, I learned that you can only make a company grow as much as it is capable of doing. For example, I was eager to work on a dashboard on Divistocks for users to create portfolios and track the performance of stocks that interest them. But, the company still needed to be ready for that step. I had to amend my pace and enthusiasm to meet the most critical business objectives. A UX designer's first priority is always the user, but only to the extent that stated business goals are met. I can't wait to see where this company goes in the future.
This was my first assignment as the sole UX designer, which was intimidating but thrilling. This redesign challenged my skills and helped my confidence grow as a designer. I was free to organize my process in any way, and I enjoyed learning what worked best and was most productive for me.